Letter to God

9:15 AM


Remind me not to rely or depend on people, because they might fail to understand me at times.
Teach me to be content with myself, because people might assume the worst out of me.
Support me not to give up, because life is hard sometimes and I can't do it alone.

Remind me to be humble, because arrogance might hurt people around me.
Teach me to be positive, because sometimes people are not as bad as I thought they are.
Support me to believe in myself, because people often judge based on the result and not the process.

Remind me that I can also be wrong sometimes, so I can learn to be patient.
Teach me to say good words, because words can affect how someone will become.
Support me to accept people as they are, because there are people who just needs to be accepted.

Most of all,
Remind me to rely on You and You only.
Teach me to become more like You.
Support me to forever believe in You.

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